Monday, April 27, 2015

Rekindling The Fire

Scene 1
Off Camera

Angelica Jones is a thirteen time world heavyweight champion and a member of three different halls of fame.  Many have observed this impressive career and have asked what made her tick?  How did she come to this kind of success?  Angelica herself has asked this question many times, especially in recent weeks as she has had to deal with a string of bad luck.  Jones made it all the way to the semi-finals of the Shot of Adrenaline Tournament, through nefarious means, but she could not go any further than that.  She lost to Selena Frost, to Merrick Wiseman, and then to Selena Frost again.

The question for Angelica Jones is what must she do to regain her footing?  What must she do to get back to the peak physical condition she had been?  What is she missing that sent her to the semi-finals of the Shot of Adrenaline Tournament, helped win her those thirteen world championships, and earned her the hall of fame honors?

And how can she get it back?  Perhaps Angelica Jones is desperate enough to seek out any help that she can find and that includes her cousin, Isabelle Jones.

Yes, the same Isabelle Jones that reportedly screwed her own brother Monroe out of the family inheritance.  The same Isabelle Jones who would sell her own parents down the river (if they weren’t already dead) in order to get ahead.  The same Isabelle Jones who holds no loyalties other than to herself.

Angelica Jones has indeed gone to visit Isabelle Jones at her own home in Pittsburg, Pennsylvania.  The two women are seated in her luxurious living room as the butler, a dignified man called Jeeves (what else) enters the room carrying a tray of wine glasses.

“I must admit, I was disappointed but not surprised by your performance, or lack thereof, at Flawless.”

Angelica shoots a curious glare at her cousin. “What did you say?”

“You heard me, Angelica.” Isabelle chuckles. “Or do I really need to repeat myself?”

The butler approaches with two glasses of wine, handing one to Isabelle and one to Angelica.

“Thank you, Jeeves.”

“Yeah, thanks…” Angelica reluctantly takes it and watches as Isabelle takes a nice big sip of the wine. 

“It’s ok, cousin, I haven’t poisoned it.” Isabelle says with a smirk.

“Well then what is the purpose of all of this?” Angelica asks, motioning to the wine. “The wine…the buttering me up…all of this just to insult me and my wrestling performance?  Something you know nothing about, by the way.”

“True enough, albeit not by my own fault.” Isabelle begins as she sips on her wine. “I had signed a nice wrestling contract.  Too bad that company folded up before it could even get up off the ground.  I would’ve been great.”

“You would have been decimated.” Angelica says with a sly grin of her own. “You have no idea what this business is all about.  You have no idea of the kind of rough and strenuous difficulties that lie ahead for professional wrestlers.  You can’t buy everything, Isabelle, and you can’t buy wrestling success.”

“I know and that is why I had hoped you would show me.”

Angelica arches her brow out of shock and surprise.  She and Isabelle had not exactly had the smoothest of relationships.  Having Isabelle now ask her for help and assistance is something Angelica was not expecting.

“You are asking me for help?”


Angelica snickers. “So that’s what the wine is for?  You’re getting me drunk.”

Isabelle rolls her eyes. “Always thinking the worst of me, aren’t you cousin?”

“Oh well let’s see,” Angelica begins to use her right hand as she lists “you’ve lied to me and Kayla, you  manipulated your own parents so you could steal your brother’s inheritance, should I go further?”

“Just…” Isabelle’s voice trails off as she shakes her head “…just forget it.”

“What?” Angelica gazes at her with a skeptical look. “What is it this time, Isabelle?  What sob story are you going to go with this time to try and convince me you’ve changed?”

Isabelle sighs. “I am not trying to convince you I have changed.  I am not trying to manipulate you.  I genuinely wish to learn the business.”

Angelica studies her cousin intensely.  Isabelle, meanwhile, cocks her head to one side and frowns.

“Is that so wrong to ask?”

“Coming from you….” Angelica sighs “…I don’t know.”

Angelica spins around to face Isabelle. “What exactly is there in it for me?”

Up until this point Isabelle wasn’t sure whether or not Angelica would bite.  But now that she is showing genuine interest, now that her goal seems to be within reach, an ear to ear grin forms across her lovely features.

“I thought you’d never ask…”

“I’m waiting.” Angelica says, folding her arms across her chest.

“Well I already told you, cousin of mine.” Isabelle says slowly, knowingly. “Or don’t you remember, about how disappointed and yet not surprised I was that you lost to Selena Frost at Flawless?”

Angelica frowns.  “I had forgotten…but now that you brought it up again…”

“Oh don’t give me that look!” Isabelle exclaims with a laugh. “I know you all too well, my dear cousin, and I know that you are all bark and no bite.”

Ok, Angelica has been rather patient up until this point, but Isabelle questioning and casting doubt upon her ferocity, her own ability, is just too much for The Dragon to bear.  Jones hops up from where she was sitting, walks over, and snatches Isabelle by her throat.

“Do you want to put that to the test?”

Angelica stares angrily and intensely down at her cousin Isabelle.  Much to her surprise, Isabelle just laughs it off, in an almost scoffing tone, almost as if she doesn’t quite believe Angelica’s threat. Or maybe, just maybe, this is what she wanted?

“Nicely done, Angelica!” Isabelle applauds. “Bravo!”

“Huh?” Angelica is shocked, taken aback to the point that she releases her grip on Isabelle. “What?”

“Oh don’t stop now, Angelica.” Isabelle says smirking. “You were doing so well.”

Angelica sits down next to Isabelle. “What game are you playing?”

“No game.” Isabelle remarks, shaking her head. “I merely think you and I can help one another.”

“How so?”

Isabelle wraps an arm around Angelica’s shoulder and gazes deep into her eyes. “Oh Angelica, sweet  cousin, clearly your string of bad luck has caused you to see things…not so clearly…”

“How am I not seeing things clearly?” Angelica sputters. “I have…”

“Lost Shot of Adrenaline.” Isabelle answers, interrupting her cousin. “Lost to Merrick Wiseman.  Lost against to  Selena Frost.  Need I go further, my dear?”

Angelica shakes her head, sighing deeply. “No…no you don’t…”

“I don’t mean to mock you, dear.” Isabelle responds, patting her on her leg. “I’m just being completely honest with you when I say that your game has been missing something.”

Angelica frowns. “And I take it you know what it is?”

“Of course I do.” Isabelle says confidently. “You are missing your killer instinct.”

“How would you know?” Angelica snaps back at her. “How would you know that I am missing out on my killer instinct?!”

“It is clear to everyone that your killer instinct is missing.” Isabelle responds. “The Angelica I know would not have let Merrick Wiseman and Selena Frost even walk away under their own power let alone defeat her.”

Isabelle stands up, hovering over Angelica. “What I propose is simple.   Everyone in this family knows that I have more of a killer instinct than the other Jones women.  Am I right?”

“I can agree with that, I’m not sure what else you could call it when you screw your own blood out of the inheritance.”

“I think you may change your mind on that soon enough, but that’s for another time.” Isabelle grins knowingly. “I offer you my assistance to help you find that killer instinct again, something I think deep down inside you know that you need.  All I ask in return is that you help train me as a professional wrestler.”

Angelica frowns, studying Isabelle closely. “And why would I help you?”

“Why wouldn’t you help me?” Isabelle shrugs her shoulders. “Is there any harm in it?”

“No, but do you deserve it?”

“Deserve it or not is irrelevant.” Isabelle points out. “I will get the training regardless.  Would you not prefer to be the one to train me or would you rather me seek out someone else, someone you may not trust?”

Angelica studies her cousin closely and thinks about what she just said.  Isabelle is a real wild card and it could prove to be quite dangerous if she learns the trade from someone else.  Finally Angelica nods her head in agreement.

“Fine, you got yourself a deal.”

Isabelle grins from ear to ear. “Excellent!  Just excellent!”

“But don’t think that this means we’re all BFFs now,” Angelica snaps back “you have a long way to earn my trust.”

“Oh I think you will find we will become fast friends.” Isabelle remarks. “In fact, to show my good will, I just may introduce you to walking talking evidence that your beloved Monroe is a scoundrel.”


“Katrina.” Isabelle responds. “My daughter Katrina wants to see you.”

Isabelle Jones
On Camera

The Next Level versus Silas World; Tommy Valentine and David Helms against Harmony Fisher and Angelica Jones.  Now some of you may be asking what frame of mind David Helms will be in after the hell he has been put through as of late at the hands of Silas Mason and even his own ball and chain Regan Street.  And normally that would be a justifiable question.


I think that there is a better question that needs to be asked, not just by the participants in this match but by everyone in Supreme Championship Wrestling.  It is a question, or better yet a warning even, that everyone should heed:

Which Angelica Jones is going to show up?

Things are about to change for my dear, sweet cousin.  Angelica Jones has taken a good, long look into the mirror and she has seen her faults.  She has seen what went wrong and is ready to correct her errors.  She is prepared to fix the mistakes of the past.

For a long time Angelica Jones has shown too much mercy.   Too much kindness.  The kindness, the mercy, are all gone.  The old Angelica Jones…the REAL Angelica Jones…is back and is more dangerous than ever before.

The first victims?  Tommy Valentine and his lovesick puppy David Helms.

Sorry, David, but your string of bad luck is just going to continue.  Angelia Jones is going to put you down like the bad dog that you are.

Angelica Jones
On Camera

Thank you for that warm introduction, Isabelle.  I think I can take it from here because you are absolutely right, times are about to change.  Things are about to change in a big way.

There comes a time when you have to reassess and reevaluate your career.  After losing to that no-talent Disney princess Selena Frost, some might argue that I should reevaluate my own career, that I should reassess the way I’ve been going about things.

Wrong. Incorrect.

I am still on the right path, I am still doing things the right way.  MY WAY.  Now that isn’t to say I’ve been perfect, because I haven’t been perfect.  There has been one mistake I have made, one error I have made that I am going to fix as of right now.

I have been too merciful.

Too merciful, too nice, too lenient.  I have not fully unleashed The Dragon to the extent that I know it can be unleashed.  And that is the mistake that I have made.

The Dragon is a powerful entity, a powerful weapon that, when unleashed, can destroy anyone or anything that stands in its path and, for the longest time, I have kept it bottled up, content to use only a fraction of its power.

I’m sick and tired of seeing arrogant, no talent little bitches like Selena Frost run around and get everything they want just handed to them because they whine to management about unfair treatment.  People like that make me sick.  And you know who else makes me sick?

Self-loathing people who whine and bitch about their own situation.  People who just whine and whine and do not bother to do anything about it themselves.  Namely people like you, David Helms.

See, the problem is I have had the potential to do something about this myself, to solve this problem myself.  I have had it within me to take care of the Selena Frosts and the David Helms and the Tommy Valentines of the world all by myself but I did not I could not…

…because I held back.

I’m no longer holding back, David.  I’m not holding back, Tommy.  Starting next Breakdown you two will find out what happens when Angelica Jones stops holding back, when she just quits caring about anyone or anything and does what she does best…

…hurt people.  That’s what I do best, that’s what I do even better than winning.  I hurt people.  And on Breakdown, with Harmony by my side, I’m going to hurt the pair of you.  I’m going to put the pair of you intro  traction.

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